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Friday, 25 December 2015

Dream a Dream

We humans are scaredy-cats; we escape from dreaming a dream. We are taught “jitni chaadar ho utne hi pair phelane chahiye” means, one must desire for things which could be accessible to him and restrain oneself from going after things which aren’t close to attainability. And that’s how we spend our entire lives, dedicated to our routines and forgotten dreams which we are too petrified to dream about.

We give up our dreams for a settled monotonous life. We forget about our once-a-dream which now lies somewhere under the mound of responsibilities loaded on our shoulders. We live our lives according to society norms; we surrender our wishes on just hearing a dialogue “Loog kya kahenge?”(What people will say?).

Or there’re some, those who failed, who failed terribly, who once failed and never tried again. Their failure shattered them to an extent that they could never recollect themselves to give it another attempt. However, the pieces of their broken dreams still prickle them.

Also, they thought that their dreams are not achievable, that they are beyond their reach and they would only waste crucial phase of their life if they chase them.

If that’s the story of your life then you’re the one for whom this piece of writing is done.

Don’t be what you are not; don’t pretend to be someone else. Learn to live for yourself and then think how people around you could be made happy. Until and unless you’re not happy and satisfied with your existence, you can’t spread happiness in anyone else's life. 

Let your dream come alive which you had buried. Yes! That dream which you had always dreamt about. That dream which had your heart and soul. That dream which kept you awake till mid night. That dream which always had its presence in your conscious mind but never ever left you even in your subconscious sense.

Your dream could be of becoming an actor or a singer, or a cricketer or a painter, or you had wanted to top your exams or propose your long time crush, or run an NGO, or you had wished to be a chef or an entrepreneur or even a gypsy. And, you left your crave of achieving that dream because the scenario failed you.

Is your standard answer also “Circumstances forced me to quit”? Then read this quote by Stephen Covey.

“I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.”

On this note, I light a purple sky lantern (as purple is my favorite colour) and set it free in the name of a dream that I’ve just revived because I still dream a dream.  

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