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Tuesday, 5 March 2013


It's 6 am and I'm in bed.It's 9 am I'm in bed.It's 11 am I'm still in bed.

Waking up early is always a tough task to follow and after completion of my graduation I preferred not to perform anything tough.

So here I say GOOD MORNING at 11:30 am just an hour before noon.Here lies the first question of  my uniqueness "Why can't I wake up early morning?". 

Early morning! what is early morning? How can we define early morning? For my Mother early morning comes at 6am,for my father it’s at 7am,for my brother its at 8am and for me early morning is at 9am. So I leave that question to you to decide the timings of early morning.

After completing my breakfast, before I could think of something I got an order from my mom “fill up the bottles of water you emptied yesterday”. Ignoring her words I walked to my room switched on the PC opened the FB and did nothing but just stared the posts publishing on my homepage.

It's 2pm and Dad is home for lunch. As mom served him the lunch he asked for water but guess what? all the bottles were empty as the person who was assigned this job was busy in facebooking.  Here lies the second question “Why I’m a procrastinator?”

After lunch I always lie for a siesta, no matter at what time I woke in the morning.So while enjoying my beauty sleep I heard a voice, it was dad’s. He asked to come with him for shopping.Shopping with him is what I pray for the whole year because it's complete nag free unlike mom's.But guess what I refused him because for me waking from half sleep is like Bangladesh winning a nuclear war over America which means “Impossible” no matter how much you try, and the biggest regret for me is I lost the opportunity which was bound to happen once in a blue moon. And here we come to my uniqueness “Why I’m such a sleepaholic?

As I woke from my siesta around 7pm, almost completing a 4 hour slumber, my mom asked me whether I would take tea or not? And guess what? I refused because the most irritating thing I find is someone asking me questions when I’m half insane.But as I freshened up the rats inside my belly asked for their evening snacks and when I looked to my mom making a puppy face she groaned at me saying why can’t I stick to my decisions? Which is just 99.9% right.Unfortunately I ask the same thing to myself”Why can’t I stick to my decisions?”.

All these things make me question myself ”Why am I like this?” Answer is simple, God made me like this. Everyone in this world has his/her uniqueness which we should appreciate because it makes us different from others,It makes us what we are. It's better to be called original rather being called a xerox.So cheers to the originality that we inherent in ourselves.