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Tuesday, 31 December 2013

No New Year Resolutions

A new year is approaching which will comprise 365 days, the days about which I don’t wish to think in anyway. Being a person with an imaginative mind makes life filled with disappointments as you always imagine great things to happen but eventually land into bitter reality leaving you disappointed.

So my resolution of 2014 would be no resolutions from now on, No further troubling my imaginative mind by structuring fairy tale scenes which never tends to turn in reality.

I plan to give my imaginative mind some rest at least for few initial months of the year. Oh no! I can’t do that as I've my finals in April. Shit! Why does it happen to me every time? My tiny imaginative mind can’t even expect any vacation. See! That’s how life is, full of troublesome. That’s why I say “always expect the unexpected”. But how many of us follow this inspirational quote in our life? Not many of us which includes me too.

So I would welcome 2014 with a blank notebook of 365 pages. With each passing day a page of that notebook will get filled by itself. All I expect is love from my loved ones, outings with my friends and visits of my close relatives as it gives me strength and my imaginative mind positive thoughts.

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