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Saturday, 23 March 2013

Don't Fall In love

Don’t fall in love 
If you fear to get hurt

Don’t fall in love
If you can’t accept the regret

Don’t fall in love
If you love yourself

Don’t fall in love
If you can’t lose yourself

Don’t fall in love
If you can’t forgive

Don't fall in love
If you can't forget

Don’t fall in love
 If you can’t keep your promises

Don’t fall in love
If you can’t compromise on things

Don’t fall in love
For the sake of being loved

Don’t fall in love
If you can’t precisely fall in love.

Friday, 8 March 2013

Hottest Girl of the Town

Those zero size figures with body hugging jeans and tops, with a front puff on rebounded hair describe the hottest girl of the town. In the race to be the hottest girl of the town Delhi girls have given up their originality and embraced the most common fashion trend. While traveling in the metro you’ll see thousands of twins. You must be thinking how it can be possible but believe me Delhi girls have made it possible. They all dress up in the same manner, follows the same fashion trend which leaves them all of a kind. When I see a girl in the metro on a day and sees the other girl on the other day in the same metro, astonishingly all I say is, this is the same girl whom I see every day! Over which my friend laughs and tells, they all look the same.

To my surprise my Best friend also joined the league in 2nd year of our graduation. But it had a small story behind which she told me and now I would tell you. One day my best friend visited to an Owner of a Saree shop cum Astrologer on a recommendation of her friend. That part time astrologer told her that “soon you’ll be the hottest girl of the town” which made her  work on herself. When I see her now, she is a complete changed person not only her dressing sense has changed but her behaviour, thinking and whatnot, the girl who never talked about boys all of a sudden had the topics of boys only to talk about.

Unfortunately she is no more I mean she is no more my Best friend. Not because she turned into a beautiful lady and started thinking that every other boy is interested in her nor that she labeled herself as the hottest girl of the town, just because she lost her inner beauty.

The upper beauty is for days, months or may be for few years but inner beauty lasts forever. We remember Mother Teresa not for her upper beauty but for her beautiful soul. Same goes for Mahatma Gandhi, he didn’t had the Robert Pattinson’s smile neither Tom Cruise’s haircut nor Hrithik roshan’s physique but even today, post decades of his death we remember him.

Every girl is beautiful in her own way which we should appreciate and stop comparing one to another which leads us to the race of being the hottest girl of the town. Let yourself free from all the boundations of looking good instead go for feeling good because beauty comes from within. Your face has the tinge of your thinking. So think good and look good. Cheers!

P.S - I sympathies with those who prefer hot over Pretty and sexy over beautiful.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013


It's 6 am and I'm in bed.It's 9 am I'm in bed.It's 11 am I'm still in bed.

Waking up early is always a tough task to follow and after completion of my graduation I preferred not to perform anything tough.

So here I say GOOD MORNING at 11:30 am just an hour before noon.Here lies the first question of  my uniqueness "Why can't I wake up early morning?". 

Early morning! what is early morning? How can we define early morning? For my Mother early morning comes at 6am,for my father it’s at 7am,for my brother its at 8am and for me early morning is at 9am. So I leave that question to you to decide the timings of early morning.

After completing my breakfast, before I could think of something I got an order from my mom “fill up the bottles of water you emptied yesterday”. Ignoring her words I walked to my room switched on the PC opened the FB and did nothing but just stared the posts publishing on my homepage.

It's 2pm and Dad is home for lunch. As mom served him the lunch he asked for water but guess what? all the bottles were empty as the person who was assigned this job was busy in facebooking.  Here lies the second question “Why I’m a procrastinator?”

After lunch I always lie for a siesta, no matter at what time I woke in the morning.So while enjoying my beauty sleep I heard a voice, it was dad’s. He asked to come with him for shopping.Shopping with him is what I pray for the whole year because it's complete nag free unlike mom's.But guess what I refused him because for me waking from half sleep is like Bangladesh winning a nuclear war over America which means “Impossible” no matter how much you try, and the biggest regret for me is I lost the opportunity which was bound to happen once in a blue moon. And here we come to my uniqueness “Why I’m such a sleepaholic?

As I woke from my siesta around 7pm, almost completing a 4 hour slumber, my mom asked me whether I would take tea or not? And guess what? I refused because the most irritating thing I find is someone asking me questions when I’m half insane.But as I freshened up the rats inside my belly asked for their evening snacks and when I looked to my mom making a puppy face she groaned at me saying why can’t I stick to my decisions? Which is just 99.9% right.Unfortunately I ask the same thing to myself”Why can’t I stick to my decisions?”.

All these things make me question myself ”Why am I like this?” Answer is simple, God made me like this. Everyone in this world has his/her uniqueness which we should appreciate because it makes us different from others,It makes us what we are. It's better to be called original rather being called a xerox.So cheers to the originality that we inherent in ourselves.