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Thursday, 19 November 2015

5 Tips to use a Public Toilet

Women face real pain when they have to control themselves from peeing in the public toilets.

Concerning the sanitation issue of public toilets for women, there are several tips that can save you from the germs persisting in public toilets. Women please do follow these tips!

Tip # 1 When entering a toilet, look at the toilet seat. Even if it is not needed, do clean the toilet seat with a toilet paper, dispose it and then take fresh toilet papers to spread over the seat and then sit on it. If you are unsure, whether public toilets that you will visit will have toilet paper or not, please carry tissue papers in your handbag in advance. It won’t hurt to toss a pack into your handbag or backpack to take wherever you go.

Many pharmacies and outdoor stores now carry tiny packs of toilet seat covers. Believe me they are a safe option!

Tip # 2 If you do not have tissue papers or toilet papers, kindly don’t sit on the seat but hover closely above it. If this is difficult for you, find something to balance yourself.

Tip # 3 Dispose the sanitary wear after wrapping in toilet paper appropriately in the trash provided.

Tip # 4 Use toilet paper to push the toilet handle that leads you to the toilet and out of the toilet. Also touch the flushing mechanism with toilet paper and quickly dispose of this piece of paper in the dustbin and not the flushing toilet, as it may create blockage inside.

Tip # 5 Wash your hands – always. Wash your hands using soap for at least 20 seconds under running water. Although many places are stingy on hot water, use it if it is available as it is more efficient in removing germs.

Using public toilets is a pain, especially for women. Follow the 5 tips to a healthier sanitary lifestyle and keep away from infections. 

This article was written by me for Respect Women

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