“Good personal hygiene is the first
step to good health. It not only protects you from poor health, but also
shields those around you from suffering illnesses that arise from poor personal
All I would advise you is Take Care of yourself. You are
more important than anything or anyone else. Until you wouldn't give
precedence to yourself no one else will. I’m not asking you to keep beautifying
yourself before the mirror all day long but take care of your health which
may not affect your physical appearance but can be much more dangerous than
The intimate area is alleged to be more sensitive to infections
because of different reasons. These include the skin around this area being
more delicate. Hence this area needs specific care and attention. The basic
trick is to keep the intimate area as dry as possible. It is recommended
that after motions, you must wash up or wipe from front to back. This will help
avoid germs entering the vagina.
Dr Suman Bijlani a gynaecologist and obstetrician has few
suggestions for hygiene in such an intimate area
Tip 2 # Change sanitary pads frequently (every 4 to 6 hours during
the day).
Tip 3# Report abnormal (thick/stains clothes/itchy/smelly/yellow
or green or blood stained) vaginal discharge immediately.
Tip 4# Avoid scrubbing. Clean the private parts gently.
Tip 5# Use lubrication during sex if needed. (Dry sex can cause
friction and abrasions which can lead to infection).
Tip 6# Urinate and clean your private parts immediately after
intercourse. Then dry yourself.
Tip 7# Remove pubic hair at regular intervals or keep it well
trimmed so cleansing is easy.
Tip 8# Obese women have more infections. So, maintaining a healthy
weight helps.
Tip 9# Avoid sex if your partner has active genital or urinary
Grandma's tip: Back in the day, women were suggested to sleep
without their underwear, so that the vagina area remains dry.
There are certainly few myths which keep doing the rounds but I
would like to eradicate them from your mind. These myths include
# Talc should be used daily.
# Scrub hard so that you are cleaner.
# Douching keeps you clean.
# Soap and water is the best way to clean this area.
The vagina is acidic and naturally has healthy bacteria which
protect us from infections. Soaps are alkaline and this may disturb this
delicate pH balance and the healthy vaginal bacteria. Also, some soaps are
harsh and may cause irritation. The delicate area needs a gentle pH balanced
cleanser which protects better against harmful bacteria and fungus.
According to American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
(ACOG) douching can change the delicate balance of vaginal flora (organisms
that live in the vagina) and acidity in a healthy vagina. One way to look at it
is, in a healthy vagina there are both good and bad bacteria. A balance of the
level of bacteria types helps maintain an acidic environment. Any changes can
cause an overgrowth of bad bacteria which can lead to a yeast infection or
bacterial vaginosis. Plus, if you have a vaginal infection, douching can push
the bacteria causing the infection further up into the uterus, fallopian tubes,
and ovaries.
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